Being a sucker for full length animated films, I cannot believe that I have just seen Rise of the Guardians, despite my sister's countless attempts to get me to watch this outstanding feature.
I had no idea what the film was all about but decided to to give it a go anyways.
When an evil spirit known as Pitch lays down the gauntlet to take over the world, the immortal Guardians must join forces for the first time to protect the hopes, beliefs, and imaginations of children all over the world.
Rise of the Guardians tells the story of our childhood heroes who has united in hopes of protecting the innocence of children all over the globe against the very evil individual, Pitch, or better known by the name Boogey Man!
The Guardians, led by a tatted Santa Claus, along with the boomerang wielding Easter Bunny, the mystical Tooth Fairy and the dream-bearer Sandman set out once again to chase away the fear and nightmares that the Boogey Man is spreading out.
Enters the main protagonist of our adventure, Jack Frost, who was chosen to be part of their roster. Nobody knows why he was chosen, he was a nobody to anyone, even to himself, and none of the children has ever heard of him. Amongst all the Guardians, he's invisible to the kids as no one believes in him. Though, he does his part by giving out the best time any child could have during the snow seasons.
The re-imagined childhood fantasy characters here are wonderfully delivered. All of which are given a few twists and quirks to their origins, but does not really sway away from any other portrayal that they've had through out the years.
The film simply revolves around the importance of belief in one's self; to others; as well as the strong bond that companionship can provide. I highly recommend watching this picture if you haven't yet. The design and visuals are pleasing to the eyes, tons of funny scenes, exciting choreographs--it is just absolutely wonderful!
The film is definitely one for the kids and all ages, it'd surely put smiles on everyone's faces.
My rate: 3 and a half bats
If you guys want to relieve this one on your TV screens, go grab the DVD from Magnavision Home Media. Do check out their Facebook page for all the latest film releases and updates!

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